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Passport Acceptance Agent

You must visit a Passport Acceptance Agent to verify your documentation submission.


Items that you need to bring to Passport Acceptance Agent

  1. DS 11 form (unsigned)
  2. Two passport photos
  3. Proof of U.S. Citizenship-birth certificate, naturalization paper, or old passport
  4. $190 check for book only, or $220 check for book and card
  5. Proof of Identity
  6. Proof of Departure
  7. Letter of Authorization (completed, signed)
  8. DS-64 Form
Click here to find the Passport Acceptance Agent nearest you

Time Sensitive Action


After the Appointment with Passport Acceptance Agent (Same Day Action)

Important: Please ship SAME DAY your Passport Acceptance Agent envelope and Checklist Documents.


For Lost/Stolen Passport, you must include the same checklist materials within the package:

  1. The sealed envelope you get from Passport Acceptance Agent
  2. 2nd copy of DS 11 form (unsigned)
  3. 2nd original copy of Letter of Authorization (LOA) form (completed and signed)
  4. 2nd copy of Proof of Departure
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