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Am I eligible for a passport renewal?

You can apply for passport renewal using Form DS­- 82 if you satisfy all of the below:

  • You were at least 16 years old when your most recent passport was issued.
  • You can submit your most recently issued passport.
  • Your last passport was issued less than 15 years ago.
  • Your passport has not been lost, stolen, damaged, or mutilated.
  • You use the same name as on your last passport, or have had your name changed by marriage or court order, and can submit proper documentation to reflect the name change.


You can apply for passport renewal using Form DS­- 82 if you satisfy all of the below: You were at least 16 years old when your most recent passport was issued. You can submit your most recently issued passport. Your last passport was issued less than 15 years ago. Your passport has not been lost, […]

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